About the Area

    You know you have arrived on the North Fork, because it doesn't look like every where else.

    Older farmhouses, barns, farmstands of all shapes sizes, from large supermarket like stands to tiny tables with rickety umbrellas off the beaten path.The vineyards are everywhere, and the farm views amazingly beautiful. The fresh produce and seafood that this quiet and laid back fork offers are world class. The beaches along both the Peconic Bay and the Long Island Sound are waiting for you to exhale and relax. The sound shoreline goes and goes, and you can walk farther than you can walk...The sunsets , well , words don't describe the beauty, and if you haven't indulged in seeing one on the sound, it is a must.The boating and fishing are also some of the best in the world.There are new restaurants, shopping, hotels, and family friendly activities.The season starts with horseradish in March, moves on to lettuces, spinach,& strawberries.